Reminiscing my past on this moonless night
All that's left are corpses and graves
An infinite plain of withered flowers
That will never bloom again.
Every thorn is a memory
Piercing my heart in an aching agony
Every petal is a destiny
Which I remember in a painful melancholy.
So I sob, mourn, weep, cry
For all those departed souls.
Sob, mourn, weep, cry
For all those shattered dreams.
My world is slowly fading away
Drowning me in a colorless emptiness
All I can see
A dark black nothingness
All I can hear
A dissonant mute requiem
So I shout to break this dead silence
Hoping to revive
This sadness frozen flame
Moving my hand
Grasping the fainting sky
A wingless bird that can't fly that high
So I shout to destroy this invisible wall
With a bursting voice
Echoing throughtfully
Setting ablaze all those distant memories
Painful scars
Reviving some insanity
A meli-melodramatic
Blood stained ending
Cutting me apart
While I scream for my losses
A living hell
No divine comedy
Against cruel destiny
Mere weak parasite
Crushed by reality.
So I sob, mourn, weep, cry
For the things that once were.
Sob, mourn, weep, cry
For the things that will never be.