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Auteur Sujet: I have a first date, what should I do ?  (Lu 1337 fois)

Hors ligne letooouriste

  • Tabellion
  • Messages: 34
I have a first date, what should I do ?
« le: 15 mars 2018 à 16:16:32 »
[From a non native English speaker, I'm sorry for my mistakes and I hope they'll not bother you too much. Any resemblance with reality would be mere coincidence :) Thank you for reading this] 


“Stay calm, whatever you do just stay calm. Stay focused. This is it, tonight you’re finally going for it. You don’t have a choice. The planets lined up and the sun is waiting for you to burn yourself trying to reach it. She is waiting for your dream to become reality. I think she might be in love with you. Stop talking to yourself and go for it. Don’t screw this up.”

I won’t. I will. I don’t know. I’m scared. Oh God, what should I do ? I’m not the one she thinks I am, and I’m pretty sure she’ll realize it soon enough if I don’t do anything about it. I have to change myself, quickly. No, there’s no time for this. In only a few hours, we’ll be together. Only the two of us. Alone. I never had to deal with that kind of situation before. I’m so screwed.

“Stay calm. Think about what defines you the most…”

Maturity, creativity, assurance…

“Oh come on don’t try to fool yourself ! You’re just a boring guy with a boring personality. You don’t have anything worth talking about, nothing interesting enough about yourself. You need to change. But you can’t.”

So, what the hell am I going to do ?

“There’s only one solution left : you have to keep the mystery intact about your personality.“

Oh yes, that’s perfect ! Girls love it when guys are being mysterious !

“Ok, now think about your past. You have to find something deep about your past. Something you could talk about, some sort of diversion. You’ve got it ? Great, now make it deeper. Create something interesting, use your imagination. You can’t talk about reality.”

What should I say ?

“Well, you could say that you had lots of problems in your life, and that you don’t want to talk too much about it. You’re a tough guy just trying to cope with it. Yeah, that’s it. Keep her away from your personality.”

I’m not so sure… will it be enough ? What if she asks me more about my past ? You know, the kind of “I want to know you more” questions that you have to answer to gain her trust ?

“You were depressed, alone and scared. You have a very dark past tainted with depression. Trust me, that kind of thing will make you look like a very intelligent man.”

And what if she asks me if I’m still depressed ? What if she’s scared by this ? What if she asks me more questions ?

“You’re now happy. You found a reason to be happy. You found strength in your current state of mind. You are strong enough to find happiness in your situation. Does she really have to know something else ?”

I don’t know… that’s a pretty big lie to put on the table… The more I think about it...

“Don’t think too much about it. You built that lie just to feel safe, just to stay in your comfort zone. You don’t want to answer that horrible question, do you ?”

What question ?

“Who are you ?”

No, I don’t want to talk about myself. I just want to talk about that man. The man I’d like to be. The man she’d like to hear about. The man I created to erase my boring past.

“You have to be confident. Don’t talk too much about you. Talk about her. Talk only about her. Don’t let her slip into your mind, into your past. She doesn’t deserve to know the real you.”

Oh God, it’s time to go. Here it comes, I’ve never been this close to my goal. I think I’ve never felt so nervous before…

“Well in fact that’s not true. When you were doing bike races, you always felt like this the day before the race.”

Yeah, I guess that’s the same thing… apart from the fact that I never rode that kind of bike before.

“Fair enough.”

I think I’m in love. Oh god it’s bad. It feels amazing and it hurts at the same time. I don’t know what I want. I don’t know what to do. Is she waiting for me to do something ? I’m pretty sure she is. What the hell am I waiting for ? Do I really want to dive into this ? I’m not sure. Should I write something about it ?

“Yes, you should.”

And just like that, I realized that it was way easier to talk about my personal feelings, than to try to deal with a tough situation. After writing this text, I felt happy enough about myself. As a result, I never went on that date. I didn’t feel the need to anymore. It’s funny when you think about it. For the first time in my life, regret was not the only thing that had came out of my decision to give up.
« Modifié: 15 mars 2018 à 16:53:51 par letooouriste »

Hors ligne letooouriste

  • Tabellion
  • Messages: 34
Re : I have a first date, what should I do ?
« Réponse #1 le: 15 mars 2018 à 16:47:50 »


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