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Auteur Sujet: The laughingstock of Africa  (Lu 2144 fois)

Hors ligne Michael Sherwood

  • Grand Encrier Cosmique
  • Messages: 1 007
The laughingstock of Africa
« le: 12 décembre 2023 à 17:04:30 »
Désolé, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à afficher le contenu du spoiler.

An infernal army, ignorant and illiterate for the most part, with no idea of what it means to uphold stability and obey the law, commanded by corrupt, greedy individuals hungry for power, sows disorder and rejects the barracks.

Laugh, laugh, my comrades, what a mockery Africa has become!

Corrupt dictators crowned for life, who care nothing for their compatriots but are there to accumulate wealth forever. They drive Mercedes Benz, fill their Swiss banks accounts, and their bellies, while the people beg for a pittance. They surround themselves with gestapos to quietly slaughter anything that might be inconvenient for them, away from the cameras, please.

Laugh, laugh, false friends, you're the laughingstock of Africa!

There is also another army of gorillas; impossible to understand what they want or seek, absolutely confused and perpetually dissatisfied. Always with bazookas on their shoulders and dynamite in their arms, they kill, rape, loot, burn entire villages. They call themselves warriors and swarm in all the African forests.

Laugh, laugh, it's truly a mockery in Africa!

Other monkeys as puppets and incapable, with empty briefcases in hand, bicker in parliamentary houses because they are manipulated by new colonialists who promise them bananas. They bash their heads, bite their tails, scratch their mouths, call each other liar; schemers and eat-all. Then they mobilize some papers, scribble some words they won't even read, and the next day, they repeat the same things over.

Laugh, laugh, false friends, you're the laughingstock of Africa!

Hungry and weakened, violated, and stripped, the victims of the never-ending war — women, children, and the elderly come and go, yet no one wants them.

Permanent refugees with bundles on their heads, displaced without hope, wandering no man’s lands.

Undesirable and detestable clandestine travelers, begging for bribes and bearing incurable wounds.

But what’s happening, Africa, you are so rich!

Ah! Your politicians are plunderers!
Greedy and selfish too!
Lazy and traitorous as well!

Laugh, laugh, my comrades, what a mockery in Africa!
It's not because you're paranoid that they aren't after you.

Hors ligne Cendres

  • Comète Versifiante
  • Messages: 4 368
Re : The laughingstock of Africa
« Réponse #1 le: 12 décembre 2023 à 19:14:59 »
Merci pour ton texte

Je ne vais pas te mentir, j'ai utilisé un traducteur pour découvrir ton texte.

Vous, toi et ta femme, critiquez le système politique Africain en comparant à des singes. C'est un texte engagé et critiquant les régimes politiques, et pas de bananes :P

En-tout-cas, j'aimerais savoir écrire en anglais aussi bien que vous.

Hors ligne Michael Sherwood

  • Grand Encrier Cosmique
  • Messages: 1 007
Re : The laughingstock of Africa
« Réponse #2 le: 13 décembre 2023 à 06:24:58 »
Hello Cendres,

Ah ! C'est très inhabituel de te voir commenter dans cette section !

Oui, c'est une critique des systèmes politiques corrompus d'Afrique, le premier modèle étant la Somalie.
Les singes (j'ai utilisé le mot "monkey" mais j'aurais dû employer le mot "ape" -> to ape = singer) sont ici les parlementaires qui font semblant de siéger et débattre, mais en réalité s'en mettent plein les poches, manipulés par les néo-colonialistes.
Une autre catégorie de singes : "gorillas" sont les gorilles, ces bandes armées incontrôlées qui tuent, violent et pillent, sèment la désolation dans les villages.
Les animaux sont très présents dans l'imaginaire somalien pour caractériser les hommes.

Have a good day  8) !

It's not because you're paranoid that they aren't after you.

Hors ligne Yfig

  • Calligraphe
  • Messages: 112
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Re : The laughingstock of Africa
« Réponse #3 le: 16 octobre 2024 à 19:04:18 »

very good text and very black vision of Africa

just a question @Sherwood

have you been spending long time in Africa, working, leaving there ?

What you say is true but uncomplete.

Europeans are very actives in Africa otherwise dictators would have no clients.
On another hand, they stock a lot of the stollen money to European countries .. then ... France, for exemple vote a law against them (Biens mal acquis) and capture their fortune and castles and luxrurious cars, aso ...
African dictators are unconcerned by their people but european use this !

One of the most corrupted country nowadays is South Africa since they rejected apartheid.
It was previsible !
I spent two years in SA, just very few years after the end of apartheid and the brothel was growing very fast ... I have been subject to racism from a black and I rapidly left the country. By chance, I'm french.
And now there are White townships !

« Modifié: 16 octobre 2024 à 19:06:10 par Yfig »
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